Purchase or Adopt a Pet

Looking to Purchase or Adopt a Pet?

Your search for a new animal family member can be challenging. Please call our office for advice on the right pet for you. Please TRY TO AVOID PET STORES, LARGE MULTI BREED KENNELS AND PUPPY MILLS. Being patient and finding the right pet is worth it.
American Kennel Club
Carbon County Canine
Carbon County Friends of Animals
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue
East Penn Great Pyrenees Rescue
Friends of Pep Rescue
Eukanuba Breed Match Find the perfect dog breed for You!
Ruth Steinert Memorial Shelter
Hillside SPCA

All local shelters have pets listed on Petfinder website or you can call them at the numbers listed under “Lost and Found”

Lehigh Valley Kennel Club Puppy Referral Service 610-691-5790